If you missed this week's grocery haul, be sure to click here and see what we were working with.
Before we get into what I ate, I'd like to take a moment to rant about bread.
I love bread as much as the next guy -- probably more, if we're being honest -- but seeing as how I am only one person, when I buy a loaf of bread, I have to plan my entire week around that loaf of bread. One person eating 20 units of the exact same thing in seven days is no easy feat. Think about it. Eggs are sold in increments of six because a reasonable human being could eat one thing six times in seven days (especially if two or three of them were hidden in, say, brownies). Plenty of perishables are sold in sixes (beer), eights (burger buns), tens (sliced cheese), even dozens (doughnuts). But only sliced bread is like "Oh, you'd like some toast? How about nineteen more?" It's ridiculous. In fact, I'd like to propose a friend-finder or dating app that syncs with your grocery list to minimize food waste. Imagine it! You could get a phone notification that's like "Sam is also buying paprika. Would you like to meet?" It's the future, people! You saw it here first.
Here's what my bread-having butt ate this week.